MASS TRANSPORTATION IS A TOP PRIORITYβthis is the first highlighted strategy set out in the Chapter 12 of the Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2023-2028: Expand and Upgrade Infrastructure.
Mass transportation systems, such as railways, road-based, and ferry systems, will be developed in metropolitan areas.
The roll-out of the planned rail infrastructure projects will be pursued aggressively. Railways will be expanded from north to south, and from east to west, connecting growth nodes and strategic infrastructure. Inter-city rails will be built in metropolitan regions across the country, and policies will be espoused to ensure availability of highly specialized spare parts and supplies.
Moreover, bus rapid transit systems will be adopted to enhance the efficient use of public transport vehicles and existing road spaces. Existing ferry systems will be upgraded and other coastal and inland waterways transport systems will be established as an alternative sustainable transport mode, to further improve the connectivity of ports to the national transport system.
To remark, President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr., signed Executive Order No. 14 officially approving and adopting the Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2023-2028 βthe country’s blueprint for social and economic development for the next six (6) years.
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